I drink your water!

By 2050 more than 5 billion people could live in areas that are water-scarce for at least one month each year, according to a UN report on the state of the world’s water. „For too long, the world has turned first to ‚grey infrastructure‘ to improve water management. In doing so, it has often brushed aside traditional and indigenous knowledge that embraces greener approaches,“ says Gilbert Houngbo, the chair of UN Water. „In the face of accelerated consumption, increasing environmental degradation and the multi-faceted impacts of climate change, we clearly need new ways of manage competing demands on our freshwater resources.“ Audrey Azoulay, the director-general of Unesco, which commissioned the report, noted: „We all know that water scarcity can lead to civil unrest, mass migration and even to conflict within and between countries. Ensuring the sustainable use of the planet’s resources is vital for ensuring long-term peace and prosperity.“

Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano in There Will Be Blood, 2007
spiegel.de, 22.03.2018
theguardian.com, Jonathan Watts, 19.03.2018